Explain in detail one limitation of the theorist’s concept in explaining what you observed in the show. What is lacking from the theory?

W??????????????????????atch a half hour sitcom of your choice, for example, Blackish, Modern Family etc.Choose ONE of the classic theorists of sociology: Emile Durkheim, Karl Marx, Max Weber, Georg Simmel, W. E. B. Du Bois, Thorstein Veblen. See chapter 2 of your textbook, Thinking Critically.Describe in detail one concept introduced by the theorist.Apply the theorist’s concepts to illustrations from the show.Explain in detail one limitation of the theorist’s concept in explaining what you observed in the show. What is lacking from the theory? What does it not address in the context of the show?Keep your responses to between 2-3 double spaced pages. Choose a concept that you can explain with enough detail. The description should take multiple paragraphs. Since you will be focusing on the te??????????????????????xtbook for your concept, you do not need to use proper citation for this assignment. However, the turn-it-in originality report must show a color of blue. If it is any other color, that percentage will be deducted from the paper grade.Grading RubricOne theoretical concept described in detail50%Illustrations from show30%Limitations of theorists concept as applied to the example from the show.20%The link to the sitcom A different World: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZg2dErrhYA&list=PLeOmn01eI0zoWjG9VOYGikDohHjUELOnBTextbook:https://www.amazon.com/Essentials-Sociology-NULL-George-Ritzer/dp/1544388020/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3NE0HSYQOSM96&dchild=1&keywords=essentials+of+sociology+by+george+ritzer&qid=1620057671&sprefix=ritzer+essentials+of+s%2Caps%2C193&s??????????????????????r=8-1